What Is The Evolving Education Project?
The Evolving Education Project centers the educational joys, passions, interests, and inquiries of people of Color.
By People of Color,
we mean non-white individuals throughout the world who experience racism daily and who are affected by structural racism. Some groups that fall under the broad (and vague) category of “people of Color” include people who identify as either Black, Brown, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, bi-racial, and/or multiracial. Still, these identifiers can also be unclear when detached from ethnicity, language, tribe, culture, histories, and land. Thus, at the Evolving Education Project, our discussions of people and groups of Color are historically and contextually situated; responsive to the ever-changing times and political needs of particular groups among people of Color; and attentive to their multiple intersecting identities (e.g., gender, language, sexuality, ability, able-bodiedness, nationality, religion, social class, etc.).

New Perspectives
With this in mind, the Evolving Education Project is a generative space where conversations and learning around the education of children of Color, youth of Color, and people of Color are actually shaped by the perspectives and knowledges of people of Color, collectively and/or among distinct groups. In this way, we advance loving people of Color just as we are and seeing the stories and knowledge among distinct groups of people of Color as legitimate and enough. For a long time, questions around the education of “these children” have been answered under the white gaze and in ways that re-center whiteness. At the Evolving Education Project, we disrupt this norm by learning from various members of these groups who are invested in the lives of people of Color such as, parent(s), caregivers, tias, tios, abuelas, abuelos, othermothers, big cousins, community workers, teachers, educators, collectives, and coalitions. As we learn with and from people of Color, we co-construct knowledge in ways that honor and revive the knowledge production and knowledge dissemination practices of our ancestors.
The purpose of The Evolving Education Project Podcast is to make discussions and knowledge around the education of people of Color more accessible to families and all educators, and more inclusive to non-traditional educators and to a variety of educational spaces.

Tiffany M. Nyachae
As a Black Feminist pedagogue and a transdisciplinary, community-engaged scholar, Tiffany’s lived experiences and complicated historical connection to this land foreground her justice work in various contexts, for the purposes of reimagining schools, our world, and overall social transformation.